Cooking: Cooking is a very important thing in life, and have made many many delightful dishes, there are many chefs and people make homemade food! there are many things you can cook with: fruits, veggies, breads, meats, plants, etc. many schools or home schools teach how to cook, just like mine. you can be very creative with cooking and invent new things, food homemade usually tastes better and is healthier then processed dishes that have more unhealthy sugars and others. making your own food homemade can be fun, and you need to make sure you get the right amount, otherwise sometimes it can taste bad. lots of things you can make homemade are: salads, pizzas, smoothies, sauces, fruit salads, sandwiches, treacle tarts, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, fries, steak, fried chicken, and many more! many people have created many delicious foods throughout the years, and many people are creative. that is my last assignment on cooking.
science grade 5 weekly assignment
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