Ancient cultures used rubber for basic waterproofing and games. Charles Goodyear invented vulcanized rubber by accident. Vulcanized rubber improves Rubber’s durability, prevents it from melting and breaking, and requires heat. Goodyear died practically bankrupt, but a rubber company was founded a generation later and named in his honor. Goodyear among top 10 rubber companies, and industry relies heavily on rubber seals. thats my assignment!
Author: binxandwolfie
science grade 6 assignment
Shading and colors: Shading can be difficult, but is easy to learn. you need at least 3 different values, if your sketching. black, dark grey, and light grey. You can smudge it to make it more realistic, usually with a smudge stick or paper towel. some people may use their finger to smudge it. Value of colors; There is no such thing as a ”dark red” its a different tone, and you use the 3 primary colors to darken the color, if you want to darken blue, add a bit of red. if you want to darken red, add a bit of red, if you want to darken yellow, add a little dark blue. now this does not really make the color darker, it makes a different tone. because the more you add, the different tone, and color. other colors can be discussed in another essay.
History grade 5 assignment
The US company became effective in 1789. Joseph Henry, born 2 years earlier, became one of the modern fathers of Electromagnetisim. The electrical relay uses an electromagnet to remotely drive a mechanical or electrical switch. The relay spread because it was vital to the operation of the telegraph, acting as a signal amplifier. [ It ”Relayed” the signal.] It evolved becoming a fundamental in numerous industries, especially the power industry.
Science grade 5 assignment
Art. Art is a masterpiece, and many people inspire people to make art. art can be made into real life things, and art can be popular, such as the Mona Lisa, took 18 years to make. Many different types of art are i will list some. Aztec, Abstract, 3D, 2D, 4D, Animals, realism, History, Life,sketch, Fiction, etc. Now you may ask, why should i care about art? well, art is important because it can describe many feelings, and history of our world. There are thousands of artists out there, and Millions of unique art. Art can be made with pencils, paint, crayons, etc, Smudge sticks can help shade art by well, smudging the art. Art is a beautiful and creative thing in life, and that is my assignment about art.
History grade 5 weekly assignment
Solar Compass: Surveying is an ancient profession dedicated to accurately determining property boundaries. William Austin Burt Devised the Solar Compass to remove interference effects from local magnetic fields and develop accurate readings. The Solar Compass was a complex device that did not suffer from magnetic field interference, it became the US Governments standard surveying to after its patent expired, Michigan became leading producer of iron as a result of Burt’s invention.
science grade 5 weekly assignment
Cooking: Cooking is a very important thing in life, and have made many many delightful dishes, there are many chefs and people make homemade food! there are many things you can cook with: fruits, veggies, breads, meats, plants, etc. many schools or home schools teach how to cook, just like mine. you can be very creative with cooking and invent new things, food homemade usually tastes better and is healthier then processed dishes that have more unhealthy sugars and others. making your own food homemade can be fun, and you need to make sure you get the right amount, otherwise sometimes it can taste bad. lots of things you can make homemade are: salads, pizzas, smoothies, sauces, fruit salads, sandwiches, treacle tarts, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, fries, steak, fried chicken, and many more! many people have created many delicious foods throughout the years, and many people are creative. that is my last assignment on cooking.
Science grade 5 assignment
Spices and herbs: Spices are used in many foods and are very hot .many can be not too hot or extremely hot. spices mainly come from peppers while they can also be different things, Spices can be used for many dishes, Noodles, chips, meats, salads, etc. Herbs were used for medicines and healing wounds, though are still used today. almost any herb is great when chopped finely and can be used in dishes too, and are very good for you, Peppers are very good for you but some peppers will be extremely spicy. peppers are fruits because seasoning can be seeds, and peppers have seeds in them which means they are a fruit. Herbs were important back in the day and is still used today, for medicines and healing wounds. did i mention that? anyway. herbs and spices. that is my assignment
History grade 5 assignment
The development of scale technology began improving during the middle ages. Thaddeus Fairbanks invented the platform scale in 1830 while trying to figure out how to weigh large loads of objects without any encounter weights or cranes Fairbanks scales began to be sold throughout the world by the mid-1800s, the scales are still in use today as componets in numerous industries, the scale makes it easier to weigh large loads and can save time. this scale is very useful in the world and is a great invention. this invention by Thaddeus Fairbanks is a great great invention and if it wasn’t invented maybe another scale would’ve.
Science grade 5 weekly assignment
oranges: Oranges are fruits that were so popular a color was named after them. Oranges have seeds which make them fruit. they are juicy inside and contain many vitamins and antioxidants to help fight crazy sells that could cause cancer and other diseases. oranges have skin that protect the fruit inside from getting damaged or eaten by animals in the wild. oranges grow off trees and sometimes bushes. oranges are picked with a machine that moves the branch and the oranges fall into the back of the machine with other oranges. these machines can cost up to one million dollars because of the design. this saves so much time picking millions of oranges from hundreds and thousands of trees. this is impossible to pick the oranges by hand all in one day before they all rot. this machine will pick the oranges before they rot and are still good to ship to grocery stores. oranges are also turned into orange juice at facilities, there are machines that will crush the juice out of an orange and save the pulp for juice with pulp in it. people prefer it without or with pulp. pulp has all the healthy vitamins in it. while the plain juice has all the sweet sugar in it.
History Grade 5 Weekly Assignment
America was expanding economically in the 1800’s following the advent of the US constitution. William Austin Burt invented the typewriter in 1829 but it was not commercially successful. Typewriters allow people to write faster and neater than they can write with a pen or pencil. American company Sholes and Glidden released a Typewriter in 1879 that succeeded along with the rise of world war 2 they helped transform the american labor force and the roles women played in the economy