History grade 5 assignment

Economic growth in great Britain created a need to tunnel under the Thames River. Mark Brunel Patented a tunneling shield, inspired by the ship worm. The shield protects tunnel workers from cave-ins. Mark brunel was the first to successfully tunnel under the Thames River. which was completed in 1843. Increasingly sophisticated tunneling devices were increased the scope of modern tunneling accomplishments. Road designs began to improve in the 1700s, John McAdam invented the modern paved road method in 1816. the McAdam road is rather shallow, the layers of crushed stone is durable and efficient. McAdam advertised his road through books and by its own success, improvements in road-building led to the modern interstate system which is the backbone of our modern system. Hospitals were built by the church to provide charity to the sick and needy .Laennec invented his Stethoscope at a teaching hospital in France after watching a particular children’s game, The Stethoscope provides a non-intrusive way of investigating inside of our body, Laennec published his invention and researching in a book and the invention began to improve and spread rapidly.


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